Hi Kaspar,

Back to the mailing list with this one :)
We could also move this discussion to a github issue if we're generating
too much mailing list traffic with this.

On 10/14/2017 11:02 PM, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:
> Hi Koen,
> seems like I accidentally replied off list. ;)
> On 10/14/2017 10:51 PM, Koen Zandberg wrote:
>> I might have underestimated the amount of data slightly when I started
>> this. Currently the CI is building 13.900 test. Triple that for the
>> actual number of time series stored. I don't think that there's an
>> application optimized for this many series.
> Yup, that's a lot of data... Do you think influxdb/grafana can handle
> this for only the merged PRs?
Yes, the raw data is not a problem. The main problem here is
visualisation. Grafana has no issues with displaying a large number of
graphs, but at around 200 queries for a single page things start to slow
down quite a bit for me. I currently only hit this when displaying a
large number of different time series, but storing them in the database
is not an issue. Influxdata considers more than 250.000 writes/s with a
million unique series "high load" [1].
>> Although I like being able to see the differences in size a set of
>> merged PR's generate, I agree that visualizing changes from unmerged
>> PR's is one of the more useful features we can get out of this. The data
>> isn't hard to generate (diff current master against the PR build). I
>> have to think a bit more on how visualization of this is best done while
>> keeping it useful and not too processor intensive.
> Probably a plain text list, sorted by change (in percent or absolute)
> would totally suit our needs, for any open PR.
> Something like:
>                                text  data bss   total
> examples/hello-world samr21-xpro +124b +0b  +456b +570b
> examples/hello-world iotlab-m3   +120b +0b  +456b +566b
> CI needs to warn on any increase (with an additional yellow build result
> in github that points to that list).
I'm probably just thinking too complicated (or fancy) here, this should
do for starters.


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