
if this is a "problem statement and design document", then concise and measurable requirements on power management should go into the corresponding section.

Also, a clear and falsifiable problem statement should be given. This should IMO address the question, why timer problems cannot be fixed by simply repairing the xtimer (+ underlying HW abstractions).

A long list of ztimer promises appears rather unessential and confusing.


On 09/12/2019 17:45, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:

On 12/9/19 4:52 PM, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:
Hi Robert,

On 12/9/19 4:25 PM, Robert Hartung wrote:
Do we need to put any thoughts in power management / low_power /
integration with pm_layered? Or are the possible issues addreses /
already talked about?

Yes and yes. ;)

I'll my thoughts so far.

I've added this to the wiki page:

# Power management considerations
- currently, ztimer is pm_layered agnostic. If a timer is set on a
periph_timer, this would probably not prevent sleep (timer would not
trigger), whereas if a ztimer is set on a rtt, it would behave as
expected (timer hardware keeps running in sleep, timer isr wakes up MCU).

- (TODO) if a timeout has been set (e.g., `ztimer_set(clock, timeout)`),
the backend device blocks sleeping if necessary. IMO this is the minimum
requirement, but still needs to be implemented.

- Idea: we specify that by convention, ZTIMER_MSEC (and ZTIMER_SEC)
*keep running in sleep mode*, whereas ZTIMER_USEC stops when the MCU
enters sleep (unless a timeout is scheduled). This is current behaviour
*if* ZTIMER_USEC is using periph_timer as backend and ZTIMER_MSEC is
using RTT/RTC.

   This would mean that `before = ztimer_now(clock); do something; diff =
ztimer_now(clock) - before;` only works if either `do_something` does
not schedule away the thread causing sleep *or* a clock is used that
runs in sleep mode.

- the behaviour could be accessible either through defines
of the ztimer API

- in addition, we could add functions to explicitly tell the clocks to
stay available until released, e.g., `ztimer_acquire(clock); before =
ztimer_now(clock); do something; diff = ztimer_now(clock) - before;
   Once the "if timer is scheduled, don't sleep" is implemented, this
could also be worked around by:
     `ztimer_set(clock, dummy, 0xffffffff); ...; ztimer_cancel(clock,

Feedback appreciated!

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