
This is a great idea.

On 01/02/2017 05:54, Gedare Bloom wrote:
* Use only one keyword. I prefer "SoC" so it is generic to other
'summer of code' style projects.

I have added a new report under "Available Reports" called "SoC Projects". You can find the "Available Reports" link just under the menu bar after clicking on "View Tickets".

* Use the components field to further categorize. We have some obvious
ones for the subheadings now, such as 'bsps', 'libbsd', 'testing'.
Others should be identified or else we can create new components if
necessary. I'd like to stick with the current subheadings for this
year's GSoC, but we can revise later.

I have added a new ticket type "project" to separate the informational nature of these tickets from the other ticket types and I have updated all existing SoC tickets to be now be projects.

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