On 10/09/2021 16:41, Sebastian Huber wrote:
A register block may be used to specify the memory-mapped interface to
the hardware.  Register blocks consist of register block members.
Register block members are either instances of registers or instances of
other register blocks.  Registers consists of bit fields.

Update #3715.

Any objections to integrate this? The hardware specification is work in progress. What I have currently is a proof of concept for the GR740 and the GR712RC. It should cause no harm to have it documented. If this stuff is generally useful is an open question.

embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 16
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