On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 02:42:57PM -0500, Kevin Brosius wrote:
>I've upgraded a machine from an early version of 4.2.99 (.1 I think) and
>find a couple problems.  I am unable to kill the server with
>Ctr-Alt-BkSpc as mentioned in several earlier list emails, although this
>problem is listed as resolved.  Are there changes required in XF86Config
>or elsewhere to make this work?  I expected XF86Config would be
>compatible with earlier versions of 4.2.99.x.

It should still work with that keyboard config, and it does for me.
There have been some changes to allow the key sequences like this to be
redefined via XKB, but Joe added code recently to automatically fall
back to the built-in sequences when they're not defined in the XKB maps.
None of that should be a problem for a complete installation.

I noticed that your log file was also for the mouse auto-detect problem
you reported in a separate message.  Have you confirmed that the two
things are not related (I don't see how they should be, but it's worth
checking if you haven't already)?

>Here are relevant sections of XF86Config:
>Section "ServerLayout"
>        Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
>        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
>        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
>        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
>Section "InputDevice"
>        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
>        Driver      "keyboard"

Try adding the following to your ServerLayout section:

        Option "HandleSpecialKeys" "Always"

and see if that makes a difference.  If it does, we'll need to track
down why either the XKB map isn't working or it's not falling back
correctly to the built-in settings.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect                      The XFree86 Project
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