David Dawes wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 02:42:57PM -0500, Kevin Brosius wrote:
> >I've upgraded a machine from an early version of 4.2.99 (.1 I think) and
> >find a couple problems.  I am unable to kill the server with
> >Ctr-Alt-BkSpc as mentioned in several earlier list emails, although this
> >problem is listed as resolved.  Are there changes required in XF86Config
> >or elsewhere to make this work?  I expected XF86Config would be
> >compatible with earlier versions of 4.2.99.x.
> It should still work with that keyboard config, and it does for me.
> There have been some changes to allow the key sequences like this to be
> redefined via XKB, but Joe added code recently to automatically fall
> back to the built-in sequences when they're not defined in the XKB maps.
> None of that should be a problem for a complete installation.
> I noticed that your log file was also for the mouse auto-detect problem
> you reported in a separate message.  Have you confirmed that the two
> things are not related (I don't see how they should be, but it's worth
> checking if you haven't already)?

After changing the mouse protocol, the mouse works, but the server still
cannot be killed with Ctr-Alt-BkSpc.  I seem to have caught the more
painful bugs, as I was unable to kill the server without a reboot (no
keyboard sequence response and no mouse exit.)

I thought the core server would terminate on a kill -SIGTERM or restart
with kill -SUGHUP, but it ignored both of these.  It was removed with a
SIGKILL, however it did not go through the driver shutdown sequence,
leaving the console unusable.

> >Here are relevant sections of XF86Config:
> >
> >Section "ServerLayout"
> >        Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
> >        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
> >        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
> >        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> >EndSection
> >
> >Section "InputDevice"
> >        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
> >        Driver      "keyboard"
> >EndSection
> Try adding the following to your ServerLayout section:
>         Option "HandleSpecialKeys" "Always"
> and see if that makes a difference.  If it does, we'll need to track
> down why either the XKB map isn't working or it's not falling back
> correctly to the built-in settings.

This option works, and Ctr-Alt-BkSpc shuts down the server as expected
with it.

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