> On Saturday 08 February 2003 05:41 pm, David Dawes wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 01:07:25PM -0700, patrick charles wrote:
> > >How would I communicate this? Somebody on XFree86 working with or have
> > > contact with the appropriate people in kernel/agpgart development?
> >
> > First of all, how are you "killing" the X server?  I haven't seen this
> > behaviour when the X server exits normally, and I've done a lot of
> > testing where 32MB is allocated per run on machines with only 128MB of
> > physical memory.
> >
> > There are people here familiar with the kernel agpgart driver.
> >
> > Note that just because top shows that there's little memory free doesn't
> > mean that the agpgart driver isn't freeing it.  Also the agpgart driver
> > allocates physical pages, never swap.  I'm not sure what the symptoms
> > are when it can't get any free physical pages.  On my test system the
> > free memory indicated by top does go up when the X server exits, and
> > this is on an otherwise idle system.
> >
> > So, I'd suggest starting a bare X server (run just 'X') on an otherwise
> > idle system, see what top reports, then exit it cleanly
> > (<Ctrl><Alt><Backspace>), and see if the free memory amount changes.
> > Check the X server log to confirm how much memory was allocated via the
> > agpgart mechanism (look for the lines containing "Allocated").
> >
> > If that looks OK, then try the same thing you tried before but with a
> > bare X server and an idle system.
> >
> > David


I ran some tests as you suggested. I started up a bare X server using the command 'X' 
on an idle system. I then exited cleanly using ctrl-alt-bak.

I recorded the amount of physical RAM free before and after the X start. I repeated 
this process.

After 13 iterations, the machine became very sluggish.

After 16 iterations, the machine hung.

Still looks like X (or, the agpgart driver?) is not freeing resources.
The machine gradually ran out of physical RAM.

Let me know if I can provide any more information, XFree86 logs, or?

Details attached.


[ 0] after fresh boot
    w/ no X running:     84,516K free

[ 1] after running 'X':  56,472K free
[ 1] after ctrl-alt-bak: 68,796K free

[ 2] after running 'X':  48,104K free
[ 2] after ctrl-alt-bak: 60,656K free

[ 3] after running 'X':  40,716K free
[ 3] after ctrl-alt-bak: 53,272K free

[ 4] after running 'X':  33,228K free
[ 4] after ctrl-alt-bak: 45,784K free

[ 5] after running 'X':  25,888K free
[ 5] after ctrl-alt-bak: 38,472K free

[ 6] after running 'X':  18,572K free
[ 6] after ctrl-alt-bak: 31,116K free

[ 7] after running 'X':  11,372K free
[ 7] after ctrl-alt-bak: 23,672K free

[ 8] after running 'X':   4,096K free
[ 8] after ctrl-alt-bak: 16,344K free

[ 9] after running 'X':   1,060K free
[ 9] after ctrl-alt-bak: 13,856K free

[10] after running 'X':   1,180K free
[10] after ctrl-alt-bak: 13,640K free

[11] after running 'X':     952K free
[11] after ctrl-alt-bak: 13,400K free

[12] after running 'X':     984K free
[12] after ctrl-alt-bak: 13,400K free

[13] after running 'X':     948K free
[13] after ctrl-alt-bak: 13,400K free

[14] after running 'X':     948K free
[14] after ctrl-alt-bak: 10,000K free

[15] after running 'X':     944K free
[15] after ctrl-alt-bak:  5,704K free

[16] after running 'X':   [machine hung]

After iteration #9, the machine started showing disk swap in use:
  [ 9]    436K swap used
  [10]    636K swap used
  [11]  1,088K swap used
  [12]  4,532K swap used
  [13]  8,444K swap used
  [14] 12,088K swap used
  [15] 12,492K swap used

After iteration #13, the machine starts to behave sluggishly, both at the command-line 
and when painting/moving the cross-hair cursor on the bare X desktop. Presumably 
because components of the core o/s are being swapped in and out of RAM?
After 16 iterations, X hung on startup, the cross-hair cursor didn't appear. All your 
base are belong to us. I couldn't stop X and got no response when trying to remotely 
ssh to the machine.

System is a Dell GX60 with integrated intel extreme graphics

XFree86 Version (4.3.0 RC 1)
Driver is i810
Kernel is 2.4.20-2.36

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