well, yeah.  

My point was that intel should just release a patch to fix the driver
(or specs to let us fix it) rather than "fixing" the bios and making us
wait for dell to (possibly) update the bios.


--- "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Simple.  Because the Windows drivers have workarounds built into 
> them which manually program the chipset to do what the BIOS 
> should, but is not doing.  Why do they just work in Windows?  
> Because 95% of the desktop market is Windows, and the various 
> companies involved have a lot of money tied up in making sure 
> things just work the first time they hit the public eye the 
> majority of time.  As such problems like this are fixed in 
> Windows-land long before end users ever realize there was a 
> problem that needed to be fixed.
> In the land of OSS however, we do not have that same status.  We 
> get specifications for hardware long after the fact if ever from 
> the majority of video hardware companies, and when someone 
> releases hardware with a broken BIOS that needs software driver 
> workarounds, someone needs to know what the exact problem is, and 
> then also have access to the specifications to know how to code 
> those workarounds, and also have the hardware in question in 
> order to test it.
> So it is no surprise that what works in Windows is not any form 
> of indicator of what works in XFree86.  They are 2 different 
> environments, not privy to the same amount of technical 
> information as each other, and with very different number of 
> manpower working on each, and with IHV pressure also being quite 
> different for each.
> -- 
> Mike A. Harris

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