On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 09:01:31AM -0700, Hope Merritt wrote:
>The patches will not work do to a limitation in the
>Dell system BIOS and Intel VBIOS.  Dell locks their
>pre-allocated (once called stolen) memory at 1MB and
>therefore you will be limited in modes on Linux since
>the VBIOS limits its modes to the amount of
>pre-allocated memory.  Intel has implemented a
>workaround, but it would require Dell to implement one
>of Intel’s latest VBIOS drops in there systems BIOS
>and then update the system BIOS.  I would expect any
>855 release of system BIOS from Dell in the next 2
>months to have the VBIOS that allows the Xserver to
>report memory it allocated to the VBIOS and the modes
>could be adjusted.

Another problem I get a lot of reports about is that the VBIOS doesn't
support video modes like 1400x1050, the panel resolution used by a number
of laptops.

David Dawes
Founder/committer/developer                     The XFree86 Project
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