On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 11:15:17AM -0700, Sottek, Matthew J wrote:
> >The thing is, a unified device-configuring front-end would be better 
> >than having every driver writer roll their own. (I mean, we can follow 
> >Windows if we want, but why incur development risk by developing what 
> >essentially is several versions of the same thing?)
> Windows does it the way it does for a reason (the "Advanced" button on
> the display prefs GUI)
> You will never be able to create a GUI that covers everything that is
> configurable across a wide variety of vendor products... nor should
> you try. Every vendor would like to have the ability to control unique
> features of their driver in a unique way. It is fine to standardize
> the basics, but if there is a "Custom output filer Foo" feature then
> the vendor should be able to design a custom GUI to control it.
> No matter how much you try to add to your standard GUI you will always
> have vendors that would like to control one more, or they will not like
> the controls for the features that exist.

Notice that the DRI project has some configurable and extendable (or
whatever) framework for specifying driver options, using XML to
communicate between the driver and the user, trough a GUI or commandline
or whatever. I don't know the status of this, but there where some
discussion and early implementation of this in the past month. It is for
configuring the 3D drivers though, so i don't know if it can be
extended, or inspired from, for the standard XFree86 case.


Sven Luther
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