Mike A. Harris wrote:
It worked up until November first according to my cvsup cronjob
logs, at which point it just stopped.  However, now that you
mention it, I don't remember ever seeing any public announcement
that the cvsup server would be decommissioned earlier this year,
nor any time prior to it becoming unavailable in November.

David Dawes posted a message about this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Nov 2nd.

I've *never* been subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which was a closed and private list always, and not ever open to public subscription. That list, as far as I know, is strictly limited to people who have CVS write permission.

So obviously, the message never reached the full list of people who had access to the master cvs/cvsup server.

Sorry, I didn't know how deeply you're involved (or not involved, for that matter) in development. I just meant to give you a hint, and if David didn't post this on devel or xfree, I'd have assumed he had his reasons (which is why I didn't forward his message to you/this list - and no, I'm not the one making up secrets here). Hm, I really should shut up when it comes to political issues here... (take this as a note to self, so to speak)


Thomas Winischhofer
thomas AT winischhofer DOT net          http://www.winischhofer.net/
twini AT xfree86 DOT org

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