On 11/16/05, Smoof . <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing an application that will display up to 9 independent video
> streams (each stream is 320 x 240).  I'm new to Xv and may not be using the
> correct terminology so please bear with me.  I have tried two approaches:
> The first approach was to create one large overlay using XvShmCreateImage
> and tile in the video frames.  Once all frames are tiled in, use
> XvShmPutImage to send them to the X server.  This method works perfectly.
> However, my ultimate goal is to send each video stream to it's own GTK
> widget so I can have each video stream playing in a window that can be
> moved, be surrounded by buttons, minimized, etc...
> I implemented this by creating a simple GTK app with three drawing areas
> (ultimately I will have 9) of 320x240 and used some GDK functions to
> determine the X window id's for the widgets.  I created a separate overlay
> (again using  XvShmCreateImage) for each window.  Then I call XvShmPutImage
> once for each window.  Finally I call XFlush so send the requests to the X
> server.  I tried using XSync but it seemed to interfere with the GTK event
> loop.
> The problem with this second approach is that the overlays are flashing blue
> (the overlay color key from what I've read).  So I looking for advice on how
> to update multiple overlays at a rate of 24fps without any flashing.  Or if
> you don't think this is possible then please let me know and I'll just have
> to get by with my first implementation.

Most hardware only has one overlay so each widget will be fighting for
it.  only the one that has it at any given moment will actually
display the video; the rest will show the colorkey.


> Thanks for your help

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