On 9/24/14 22:51 , Matthew Ahrens wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Yacine Kheddache <
> yacine.khedda...@alyseo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I know this is an old topic : https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/740
>> And also that -H argument can help in some cases, also know all the talks
>> around libzfs, libzfs_core…
>> But during the first OpenZFS European Conference in Paris :
>> http://www.meetup.com/OpenZFS-Europe/events/177038202/
>> We have had pretty nice conversation with users and developers and it
>> seems that all or most can agree on the fact it will be so simpler and
>> cleaner if all zfs / zpool outputs can be jsonify on request (specific arg
>> for this purpose)…
>> So :
>> 1/ did I miss something and you guys have an alternative for this ?
>> 2/ if not, is the community think this is a valuable feature request ?
>> I’m convince this could really help to bring new zfs lovers on board which
>> can contribute with nice addons.
>> The howto (API on top of libzfs libzfs_core or changing commands
>> structures…) are still TBD if the community would like to move forward on
>> the topic ;-) But really think this need to go upstream…
> Sounds like something that could be useful.  If you implement this, let me
> know if you need any pointers, or if you'd like to discuss your design
> before you start implementing it.

Other thing I'd add is that we added an nvlist to JSON output into
libnvpair in illumos and we have some prototype code that does the
parsing back into an nvpair. If that's something you're looking for, I
can get you in touch with folks about that.

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