On Sep 24, 2014, at 10:55 PM, Robert Mustacchi <r...@joyent.com> wrote:

> On 9/24/14 22:51 , Matthew Ahrens wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Yacine Kheddache <
>> yacine.khedda...@alyseo.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I know this is an old topic : https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/740
>>> And also that -H argument can help in some cases, also know all the talks
>>> around libzfs, libzfs_core…
>>> But during the first OpenZFS European Conference in Paris :
>>> http://www.meetup.com/OpenZFS-Europe/events/177038202/
>>> We have had pretty nice conversation with users and developers and it
>>> seems that all or most can agree on the fact it will be so simpler and
>>> cleaner if all zfs / zpool outputs can be jsonify on request (specific arg
>>> for this purpose)…
>>> So :
>>> 1/ did I miss something and you guys have an alternative for this ?
>>> 2/ if not, is the community think this is a valuable feature request ?
>>> I’m convince this could really help to bring new zfs lovers on board which
>>> can contribute with nice addons.
>>> The howto (API on top of libzfs libzfs_core or changing commands
>>> structures…) are still TBD if the community would like to move forward on
>>> the topic ;-) But really think this need to go upstream…
>> Sounds like something that could be useful.  If you implement this, let me
>> know if you need any pointers, or if you'd like to discuss your design
>> before you start implementing it.
> Other thing I'd add is that we added an nvlist to JSON output into
> libnvpair in illumos and we have some prototype code that does the
> parsing back into an nvpair. If that's something you're looking for, I
> can get you in touch with folks about that.

We've done similar. Now is a good time for collaboration. It would be nice to
reach concensus by the OpenZFS conference in early November.

The method is sound, the concensus is needed around the nvlist strongly-typed
data conversion to/from JSON, which is almost, but not quite, untyped. Or, as
I'm often heard lamenting, "JSON numbers are neither integers nor floating 
they are numbers."
 -- richard
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