Hi Robin,

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Robin Burchell <robin...@viroteck.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 4:12 AM, Girish Ramakrishnan
> <gir...@forwardbias.in> wrote:
>> 1. qtestlib ends up exposing qpa api and thus testcases might end up
>> being binary incompatible - This should be fixed in
> AFAIK qtestlib doesn't promise binary compatibility (see e.g.
> http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtqa/commit/0a67286dcc3513880dbbb01a72596b1e08741fea/diffs)
> so I'm not sure if this actually needs fixing - but I'll leave that up
> to the folks working on testlib :)

I see. I think it's fine if qtestlib doesn't have bc. (That said, from
what I can tell only the above change is required for testlib to be bc

The reason I added the above change was not bc related at all. The
problem was qtest.h ends up including qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h.
After the rename, this file would become qwindowsysteminterface_p.h.
This means that for any of the auto tests to compile, I need to add Qt
+= gui-private somehow (many test just do QT = core testlib). I tried
and failed trying to fix qtAddLibrary(QtTestLib) to add gui-private
automatically. So, I resorted to the easier solution above.

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