Em qua 23 abr 2014, às 09:17:37, Olivier Goffart escreveu:
> Just a little problem.
>      QSqlError( const QString& driverText = QString(),
>                  const QString& databaseText = QString(),
>                  ErrorType type = NoError,
>                  int number = -1);
> +#endif
> +    QSqlError(const QString &driverText,
> +              const QString &databaseText,
> +              ErrorType type,
> +              const QString &errorCode);
> First, the deprecated constructor is missing the QT_DEPRECATED
> Second, the default arguments should go on the new constructor.

Agreed on the first, can't do for the second. If you add the default arguments, 
the new constructor becomes ambiguous.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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