On 24.04.2014 21:15, Attila Csipa wrote:
> solutions to cross platform mobile development :( After playing a bit
> with Xamarin (yes, I know, but put aside the C# hate for a minute), it's
> quite striking what different approaches can result in (and it also made
> it quite clear what Qt is doing better - but also worse than other cross
> platform solutions).

Recently I also has to write some non-GUI code  in C# (a simple class
to connect to a server written in C++/Qt using Google's protobuf).

First I was a bit annoyed about this, but after "putting away the C# hate"
it wasn't that bad. He some impressions:
- for my use case it was cross-platform out-of-the box (Windows/Linux)
- you don't have to care about the build system, just use the .sln files
- you have the feeling to write code in a hurry because everything is placed in 
the headers
- you realize that C++ compilers/language is much more powerful, especially 
when using generics
- you've lost the contact to the real hardware, all feels so smooth
- you don't see what's going on because of all the stuff in the background (ok 
until there are problems)

As said I didn't build a GUI, what are your experiences with the GUI part C#?

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