On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Thiago Macieira

> Em dom 27 abr 2014 15:01:10 você escreveu:
> > > It's not the only available choice. Widgets are available. They just
> look
> > > horrible because no one has done any work to make them look native.
> >
> > Is my understating correct that:
> >
> > 1. at least QML apps in iOS already have a native look?
> > Any examples beyond the most basic?
> The point I was trying to make is that they will have a native look, if
> they
> don't already. I don't know if they do. I don't do iOS development and
> don't
> care to follow the development there.
> However, QtWidgets will never have native look on iOS.
> > 2. there are any Qt-related benchmarks demonstrating
> > opengl versus i.e. raster performance advantages for iOS and Android?
> > Any links?
> That's pretty basic information. OpenGL always beats, hands down. Try to do
> nice effects in raster and you'll see a huge CPU spike, eating battery, or
> not
> able to finish at all.
> I don't have links for this. it should be easy to find on Google.
> > 3. opengl issues on Android have been addressed and it is stable?
> I'm not aware of any issues. But I don't follow Android development closely
> either.
> > 4. memory footprint, particularly on iOS devices with
> >     1GB of RAM, best case, for QML is reasonable and does
> >      not cost a foot and leg?
> >      Any data?
> I don't know either. Like I said, I don't follow iOS development. I don't
> have
> an SDK for it installed and don't care to try it.
> If you had asked for 256 MB, I'd be worried. For 1 GB, it shouldn't be a
> problem, but I can't give you data.
> --
> Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
>   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
Sorry, but the above is not helpful.

I'd never jump to conclusions and statements without
in-hands knowledge of the subject to talk about.

Thank you.

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