On 27/07/15 11:23, "Gerhard Scheikl" <g.sche...@avibit.com> wrote:

>> Did you consider using QXmlStreamReader/Writer instead of the old QXml?
>> These classes are fully compliant, well tested and very fast. The only
>> drawback is that there is no equivalent to the QDom* classes, but in
>> cases you’re better off parsing directly into your own data structures
>> anyway.
>Currently, our main problem is that the XML validator goes into an
>loop and therefor out of memory.
>Besides that, the validation is really slow.

With the old QXmlReader or with QXmlStreamReader?

>(around 20 times slower than with xerces)
>Unfortunately, for our use case, SAX parsing is not an option.

QXmlStreamReader is not a SAX parser.


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