
Il 21/10/18 16:15, Elvis Stansvik ha scritto:
I couldn't find a way to contact them.

The best shot would be the std-discussion mailing list, I think.

In order to try out the unsafe usage you suggested in your other mail,
and also another unsafe usage pointed out in an SO question
I made the following test program.

The output when running is:

[estan@newton move-to-const-test]$ ./move-to-const-test
without moveToConst:
FooPrivate constr from vector
Foo constr with arg 0x7fffdb627200
Foo begin 0x7fffdb627200
Foo end 0x7fffdb627200
Foo destr 0x7fffdb627200
FooPrivate destr

with moveToConst:
FooPrivate constr from vector
Foo constr with arg 0x7fffdb627208
Foo move constr 0x7fffdb627210
Foo destr 0x7fffdb627208
Foo begin const 0x7fffdb627210
Foo end const 0x7fffdb627210
Foo destr 0x7fffdb627210
FooPrivate destr
[estan@newton move-to-const-test]$

Which just shows it's working as intended.

However the third test should be a without moveToConst, but storing in a temporary, i.e. the current best practice. It should output exactly like the first one, but of course call const begin/end.

And note the extra move/destruciton in the second example.

The two unsafe usages are commented out, because they wouldn't compile (good!).

Whops, you're absolutely right. My bad. With your proposed implementation:

template <typename T>
const T moveToConst(T &&t)
    return std::move(t);

This won't compile when called on a non-const lvalue (the return type will be a lvalue reference to const, which won't bind to a non-const rvalue). I stand corrected.

Which actually makes me think of yet another possibility of misuse, that is, applying moveToConst to a function returning a const object. That will compile, using a copy...

const QVector<Obj> getVector();
for (auto &obj : moveToConst(getVector()) ~~~

Long story short, I think it's good if we stay away from this in Qt. Clazy warns you if you "do it wrong", and being a Qt-specific problem, we better not offer too many ways that could have unpleasant drawbacks.

My 2 c,
Giuseppe D'Angelo | giuseppe.dang...@kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.com
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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