În ziua de miercuri, 21 august 2019, la 13:53:02 EEST, Giuseppe D'Angelo via 
Development a scris:
> Hi,
> On 21/08/2019 11:50, Bogdan Vatra via Development wrote:
> >    Personally I'm not going to waste my time learning 10 sting wrappers
> >    and
> > 
> > classes just to make some pico optimizations like:
> > 
> > QString ext = QLatin1String("exe"); // it's terribly wrong and people
> > which
> > are doing this mistake must be stoned to death!
> > 
> > QString ext = QStringLiteral("exe"); // it's so good and it will save the
> > planet from extinction!
> > 
> > // But
> > QString ext1 = QLatin1String("exe") + ext; // it's ok
> > // and
> > QString ext = QStringLiteral("exe") + ext; // it's a abomination!
> > 
> > // Even more
> > QHash<QString, QString> test;
> > test[QLatin1String("key1")] = QLatin1String("some text %1").arg(1); //
> > wrong test[QStringLiteral("key1")] = QStringLiteral("some text
> > %1").arg(1); // wrong again
> > test[QLatin1String("key1")] = QStringLiteral("some text %1").arg(1); //
> > still wrong
> > test[QLatin1String("key1")] = QStringLiteral("some text %1").arg(1); //
> > victory !!!
> How many of these are "mistakes" detectable by tooling? Because if they
> are, they're a very minor issue.

  Holy mother of sweet Jesus Christ, are you calling these "minor issues" ?!?! 
Are you insane ? :)

  I don't think there is any tooling smart enough to detect *ALL* the 
situations. In previous examples I used only QLatin1String and QStringLiteral 
let's not forget that there are many more: QString::fromXXXXX, QStringView, 
and probably more that I don't know about.
  THB I don't think tooling is the right answer here, I'm still dreaming to a 
single simple and nice string class and maybe *one* wrapper *if* is really 


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