Den ons 21 aug. 2019 kl 12:22 skrev Lars Knoll <>:
> > On 21 Aug 2019, at 13:01, Tor Arne Vestbø <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >> On 21 Aug 2019, at 11:50, Bogdan Vatra via Development 
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Am I the only one which finds situations silly ? Of course there are more
> >> examples with the other String wrappers/functions in Qt, but I think is 
> >> enough
> >> to show how crazy is the situation.
> >
> > You are not!
> >
> > I completely agree, and I think it’s a detriment to Qt’s promise of easy to 
> > use APIs that these optimised versions are not automagic and hidden behind 
> > the scenes, or don’t have a clear cut story for when to explicitly use.
> +1. Things are getting overly complex. And in the end most people will write 
> less optimal code simply because they do now know which class is the best to 
> use in which use case. If people on this list are confused, you can be 
> certain that 98% of our users will not get the subtle differences.

I'm in that category of users. I've never even bothered to learn what
the non-QString stuff (QLatin1Literal, QStringLiteral, ...) about,
despite it having been around for quite a while and me knowing about
their existance, and just use QString or "" everywhere. This is
non-optimal but I do it because, because a) it's less to type and
read, b) string operations has never been a bottleneck in the
applications I've worked on and c) it's one less set of rules I (and
my coworkers) have to remember. The situations is probably different
for library developers (e.g. Qt developers), which have to strive for
optimality (within reason).


> >
> >> // Even more
> >> QHash<QString, QString> test;
> >> test[QLatin1String("key1")] = QLatin1String("some text %1").arg(1); // 
> >> wrong
> >> test[QStringLiteral("key1")] = QStringLiteral("some text %1").arg(1); // 
> >> wrong
> >> again
> >> test[QLatin1String("key1")] = QStringLiteral("some text %1").arg(1); // 
> >> still
> >> wrong
> >> test[QLatin1String("key1")] = QStringLiteral("some text %1").arg(1); //
> >> victory !!!
> >
> > This should just be test[“key”] = “value”. How do we get there?
> One way would be by enforcing utf8 as source encoding for Qt based projects. 
> It’s a huge shame that C++ doesn’t specify the encoding of source code as 
> opposed to pretty much any other programming language (hell even JS got that 
> one right…).
> So I think it might be worthwhile enforcing that for Qt 6. But it leaves the 
> question of what to do with QL1String.
> Cheers,
> Lars
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