-----Original Message-----
Darrell May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Thank you very much :-)  That was excellent information!
>Also, there is mention that transproxy is needed.  Do you know
>where I would find or how I would implement this or is e-smith
>transproxy enabled already?

E-Smith is not transproxy enabled, as far as I now. Transproxy is an
additional module someone (Charlie Brady? Are you the author, aren't you?)
wrote to redirect all web requests through Squid transparently, without the
need to configure every browser on every client machine.

It's needed to be certain (well, more certain than not) that the clients use
the squid proxy, that in turn is filtered by squidGuard...

If I understand well, Transproxy consists in an additional config fragment
for ipchains. Anyway, if you load the Matthijs .htm instructions file in a
browser, you'll find that the links to the various packages are active and
will bring you to the download sites.

If you want more updated filtering databases, you can overwrite the
squidGuard package ones with the blackists.tar.gz available at the
squidGuard site (www.squidguard.org).


Pierluigi Miranda

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