An update... (below)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [e-smith-devinfo] Q: Config'g PuTty as SSH for e-smith 4.1.1

> It's fairly simple, and is explained in the Putty (incomplete) online
> documentation.
> 1. In e-smith manager, under "Remote acess" enable ssh access (private),
> allow administrative command line access over ssh, and Allow ssh access
> using standard passwords. Save your settings
> 2. Run Putty and login to your host with root account and password.
> 3. Run Puttygen and create a key pair, give it a meaningful name and copy
> the contents to the clipboard. Save the key.
> 4. In the SSH shell you opened with putty, go to ~/.ssh and create the
> file authorized_keys. Copy the contents of the key you created into it
> (right mouse-click in putty terminal window)
> 5. Logout.
> 6. In e-smith manager, under "Remote acess" enable ssh access (private),
> allow administrative command line access over ssh, and Set Allow ssh
> access using standard passwords to NO. Save your settings.
> 7. In the Putty configuration, on the SSH tab, choose the keyfile you
> saved. save your settings, and login to your e-smith host with user name
> root, and the keyfile password.
> 8. Voilą (Hope I didn't forget anything).

I had inadvertantly left e-smith's telnet door open...  ;-)

After duly closing the same... I re-tried to rattle the doorknob...

This time I got the answer to my earlier question on Passphrase
(PuTty tells me it's not required... this is good, as one was not
given vy me during the running of PuTtyGen...)

New problem:  Couldn't load Public Key file
                        from the Win box's hard drive

I'll re-create (and transfer) one, this time using
PuTtyGen to save it, for a change... & return...

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