Thank's for the info David. I myself have also been grappling with the same
problem as everyone else. Is there a possibility you could list a simple
step-by-step of what you did to have the install work right on your machine? I
know I would find it very helpful :) If I can replicate it on my box, I even
promise to write up a howto document.


"David Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/05/2001 10:12:05 AM

To:   "e-smith devinfo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Robert Boerner/TMCC/Toyota)

Subject:  RE: [e-smith-devinfo] Proxy authentication methods [was Re:
      [e-smith-devinfo] Squid proxy features]

Finally, a subject comes up on this list where I know what I am talking
about... ;o)

> I have installed smb_auth but cannot seem to get it work... currenlty I am
e-mailing the author.

I have been using smb-auth since e-smith 3.1. It was one of the first things
I had to do to get the bosses to agree to any sort of internet access at

> I installed the rpm.... All went ok except it asked for Squid
> ver2??? I forced the install. I setup squid.conf & placed my proxyauth
> into my netlogon directory..... All it did was block access to squid
> completely...?

Are you sure you have your ACL right? Do all the users have "read" rights on
the proxyauth file? If not, I compiled from source: there may be a
difference with the RPM version.

For my set up I have the following changes to squid.conf (template of
"TAG: authenticate_program" is set to "authenticate_program
/usr/bin/smb_auth -W DOMAIN"
I added an ACL entry: "acl AUTH_REQD proxy_auth REQUIRED"
and I only have 2 http_access statements after the "INSERT YOUR OWN RULES
http_access allow SMRO
http_access deny all

> I have found that there is another possible authentication method using
> mysql ... is this an alternate?

> Does Squid come with built authentication...? NCSA?

Never bothered trying the others: this works perfectly, and it is one less
password for my users to forget. There are quite a few that come with the
source for Squid 2.4, all listed at


Dave Evans
IT Administrator
Shannon MRO

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