On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 07:04:04PM -0500, "Daniel C. Slagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just upgraded from beta 3 to beta 4.  The upgrade seemed to go well other
> than it was really slow.  The only thing I can base that on is, from 4.0 to
> beta 3 was 14 minutes this took over 20 minutes.  Afterwards, everything
> seemed to come up o.k.

The RedHat installer appears to reinstall everything during an upgrade. To
be precise, the only "supported" upgrade is one where you just upgrade
the existing packages. If you list any packages in the "comps" file, it
reinstalls everything. Of course, this makes no sense as the package
set always changes between releases....

We have looked at rewriting that part of the installer, but it was too
complex to get right for 4.1 

> I was looking forward in being able to add a second DNS to my box through
> the interface 

e-smith in server-gateway mode provides a full local and caching DNS server - 
no configuration is required or advisable. The root name servers are _far_
more stable than your ISPs nameservers, and people frequently change ISPs
without updating the details. Using "forwarders" is a minor performance
improvement (if any).

Secondary DNS servers would only be required on internal networks in
server-only mode, and that will only work reliably if you also set up
a proper internal root. Adding that option to the console, or adding it
for server-gateway mode will influence people to use their ISP's DNS servers,
which are not appropriate as they cannot resolve both local and external
names. You can set both values under the covers, but a proper internal
root (and internal root named.ca) must be configured for this, which is
not currently support by e-smith.

> and get the time server straight.  

Could we have further details? The timeserver should be set and migrated
correctly. If not, could you send the output of 
"grep -i ntp /home/e-smith/configuration" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

> I started with "Configure
> this server and gateway".  It asked for the primary domain name then the
> system name then the program aborts.  Now the head states, "unsaved changes,
> please configure again".  I have rebooted to no avail.

This is obviously not good. The console has been pounded fairly heavily,
but it looks like it broke for you.

> Ideas?  Any type of lock file for changes?

No, but there are logs. Please also send "grep -i console /var/log/messages"


  Gordon Rowell                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  http://www.e-smith.org (development)  http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
  Phone: +1 (613) 564 8000 ext. 4378    Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739
  e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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