On 20 Dec 2000, at 16:15, Charlie Brady wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Dean Staff wrote:
> > I have 3 mail servers.
> > Mail1 handles mail for several domains (it's running Sendmail under
> > RedHat 6.2) Mail3 handles all mail for my protus.com domain (Running
> > e-smith 4.0.1), has the domain name of mail.protus.com, and is a
> > backup mail handler for mail1. we have Multiple T1's mail for Mail1
> > comes down one T1, if that link dies, it is routes to another T1 and
> > is recieved on Mail3. Mail3 then forwards all mail for Mail1 via the
> > internal network to Mail1. mail2 is supposed to be an SMTP box only
> > (running E-smith 4.1b2) and it's domain name is mail2.protus.com. I
> > need any mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be forwarded to Mail3, but it
> > tries to deliver the mail locally to mail2.
> I believe that you should be using the delegated mail server feature
> on mail2. Just fill in the appropriate box in the manager with mail3's
> IP address, and you'll get no more local deliveries, just SMTP
> forwards to that address.
That just moves all traffic to another sever for processing, 
regardless of the final destination.

> If you had wanted to have a mix of local deliver (for some domains),
> and SMTP forwarding (for some other domains), you'd need custom
> template fragments for obtuse-smtpd-check_rules and rcpthosts (so that
> both handlers accepted mail for the extra domains) and a custom
> template fragment for smtproutes (to get those domains forwarded).

This is more of what I want to do. It doesn't matter where the mail 
comes from, whether it's from the internet or from the local network, 
I don't want mail2 to keep any mail locally. Even though this is 
going to be an outbound box only, (no POP'ing allowed) I want it to 
connect to the internet for deliver external mail, and to forward 
locally anything for the other 2 mail servers. 

I've looked at the /var/spool/smtpd/etc/smtpd_check_rules and can't 
see the portion of the file to edit to do the equivelant of q-mails 

If I just want to stop the obtuse-smtpd and start qmail-smtpd every 
time I reboot, which script should I edit? 

> [Just in case you wanted further illustration of just how flexible the
> e-smith architecture is :-)]
> -- 
e-smith flexibility is one of the reasons I'm using it...

Dean Staff
Protus IP Solutions
210 - 2435 Holly Lane
Ottawa, ON K1V 7P2 Canada
613-733-0000 ex 546 Fax 613-248-4553
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.protus.com

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