Gordon Rowell wrote:
> What we wanted to do was make sure that we don't stand
> in the way of people who want to do this sort of mail 
> splitting. e-smith
> 4.0 did by treating all of domains as local. e-smith 4.1 treats _all_
> domains (including $DomainName) as virtualdomains, which makes it easy
> to split bits off if need be.

Gordon, many thanks for the follow-up.  I believe this decision to fully
support virtualdomains is a BIG plus for e-smith.  With this capability
e-smith can now be used in ISP and multiple domain environments.

This really should be mentioned more prominently as I see it as a
tremendous selling point.  You now match your competition in this support
plus you far surpass the competition in ease of use and additional
features.  A clear market win for e-smith!

It would be nice if 'someone' coded this into the e-smith-manager :)
In any case, thanks again for the manual instructions and assistance in
furthering my understanding.



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