On Fri, 4 May 2001, Darrell May wrote:

> Same for INN.  Use an ibay for the program and newsgroups and the program
> and local newsgroups would be recovered via an e-smith restore.  The local
> newsgroups would be as vital as e-mail so it is very important to recover
> the local newsgroup posts.

As long as the files are located within /home/e-smith then they will be
recovered via an e-smith restore. They don't need to be within

> The only 'issues' I see is that you have to address proper security both
> for the ibay and httpd.conf to restrict access as appropriate.  But this
> is simply implemented via templates-custom and chown/chmod commands on
> ibay.

Adressing proper security is much simpler if you do not put files which
need to be protected in i-bays. The i-bay is designed to allow access to
user maintained files via some combination of Windows file sharing, Apple
file sharing, FTP and HTTP. News messages don't fit into any of those
categories. If you try to store your news spool in an i-bay, you will need
to fight against the i-bay configuration settings, and you take the risk
that you will inadvertently leave a security hole, or find that some of
your changes (chown/chmod, for instance) are undone when you upgrade, or
add/remove someone from a group etc.


  Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  http://www.e-smith.org (development)  http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
  Phone: +1 (613) 368 4376 or 564 8000  Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739
  e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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