Greg Zartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> In any event, it seems to me that solving the 2GB file size limitation
> should be somewhat of a priority.   I wouldn't have thought twice,
> until now, about gzipping a bunch of project data for archiving.

Agreed.  Now that I'm back, it's time to stir the devinfo pot, once 
again ;->

I wonder if this is just one more _very_good_reason_ to upgrade 
SME5.1beta1 to a more current kernel and more advanced file system?

IMHO, considering the axonlinux team managed to implement 2.4/XFS (and is 
currently back working on doing the same for SME5.1beta1) I'm certain the 
talent at Mitel would be able to do the same.  I know the devinfo members 
will be there to assist with testing.

IMHO, we need SME5.1 to be more then it is currently looking to be.  
Otherwise there will be no 'compelling' need (bear with me and read the 
next paragraph) for anyone to implement 5.1 (or from Mitel/partner's 
perspective to purchase 5.1).

Even for myself, my production server remains 4.1.2, with samba/php/mysql 
upgraded to meet or surpass the current 5.1beta1 levels already and I 
know I am not alone in this regard.  Gordon mentioned we might see php 
and mysql upgraded in 5.1 but again none of these compell you to move to 
5.1.  They are simply version upgrades that can be tagged onto 4.1.2 and 
4.1.2/2.2.16 has a larger driver base available then 5.1/2.2.19.

Having a more current kernel and a more advanced filesystem would be a 
great 'compelling' reason to upgrade.


Darrell May

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