On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 03:01, Charlie Brady wrote:

> > If we take axonlinux as a project that has travelled this path already,
> > they built a new distro iso.  To be very brief.... they essentially took
> > a disto (SGI XFS) and added all the e-smith rpms that the distro did not
> > include by default.  After that you dive under the hood and test what
> > works, what doesn't work, modify the templates as appropriate, rebuild
> > rpms that need updating, add new rpms, bundle and build into a new iso...
> > and axonlinux was born.
> So you are suggesting a project fork. That's a lot of work, and fragments
> the community. So you should have very good justification for proposing
> is.

I saw nowhere where he proposed a project fork.  The way I read it, he was 
suggesting that we take a look at what axon did to see what can be adapted to 
the current version of SME.  Perfectly sensible idea to me.

I'm going to add my voice (one time only) to this growing problem of the way 
that both you and Darrell get along - *both* of you seem to snipe at each 
other wherever you see the opportunity.  I have no idea of the circumstances 
surrounding your argument with Darrell, nor the cause of E-smith (at the 
time) terminating the partner agreement with Darrell, nor do I wish to become 
involved in a discussion (=flame war) on the issue.

What I *will* say is that both your attitudes are detrimental to the further 
development of SME as (IMO) the best server/gateway solution for those of us 
that do not understand Linux as well as others.  I beg both of you to 
*please* take a step back and try not to shoot barbs at each other.  Darrell 
does a *hell* of a lot of good work on SME which I am very grateful for.  You 
(and the rest of the Mitel team) do a great job of trying to work out issues 
that are intelligently reported to you, even when they're the result of 
operator idiocy. 

Of course people's priorities are going to be different, and people have 
different ways of dealing with these differences.  All I'm saying is that 
baiting (and sometimes, outright abusing) each other gets nobody anywhere.

Rant off.  I've said my bit, and it's now up to both of you to decide what to 
do.  Flames >/dev/null, please...

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