On Thursday, February 07, 2002, Darrell May wrote:

> David, many thanks for taking the time to put this mini-Howto together.  I
> might have some time over the weekend to give it a try myself.

No problem at all.  I'd appreciate it if other people would try this out and
verify that it works for them.  I forgot to mention that I did this on a SME
v5.1.2 server, upgraded from several 5.1 betas, just in case it matters.  I
chose the RedHat 2.4.9-21 kernel because it is the latest 2.4.x series that
RedHat has released (I think) and there has been some discussion that this
is one of the most stable kernels in the 2.4.x series.

> I do have a general question though that maybe you or other
> devinfo members
> might be able to answer.  The question is far reaching but simply stated
> would read:
> 'is this the _best_ way to go?'

Don't take this the wrong way, but who cares?  Now let me qualify that. :)
I think we will only find "the _best_ way" by testing several methods of
upgrading to a 2.4.x kernel to see what works best.  After seeing that,
Mitel management may decide that it really isn't that hard after all ... or
they may not.  Either way, we as developers will have tracked down some of
the issues that need to be considered.

> Should we simply add a new kernel on top of SME or would it be better to
> add SME on top of a complete RedHat 7.2 distro?
> I'm thinking about all the modules and rpm dependencies that are kernel
> specific.  I'm also thinking about ext3 file system.  Going the
> 'adding SME
> to a distro' route would I think make it easier as everything we need is
> there, we are simply added SME as well.

Well, I'm going to mess with taking the latest RedHat 7.2 versions of all
the packages on the SME v5.1.2 disk and make a custom iso to install a
system with "SME on top of RedHat 7.2".  I'll start this tonight and see how
it goes.  Here's the biggest problem (as has already been stated several
times): even if we get all the latest up to date RedHat 7.2 packages up and

David M. Brown
Frick, Frick & Jetté Architects

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