On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 03:34:48PM +1000, Peter Lambert wrote:
> Charlie,
> Are the sources Mitel are releasing sufficient to build the "unsupported
> developer release" 6.0 ISO when compiled with other open, readily available
> sources ?.
> If there are Mitel proprietary sources involved, are these being released in
> some (binary) form that will allow the ISO to be built ?.

What is this persistent rumour about proprietary licenses?  The Mitel
and E-smith sites both make it quite clear that the Developer release is
GPL and that any proprietary stuff is in the supported, commercial
release.  Has anybody ever produced any evidence that this is not the
case?  If not, for God's sake stop resurrecting the rumour.

You know, you can easily verify this for yourself, simply by comparing
the relatively small number of binary rpms that constitute the core
relase to their matching srpms.


The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la.  All the world is drowning,
tra-la-la-la-la.  -- Tiny Tim.

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