>> On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 08:05:54AM -0500, SiliconZealot wrote:
>> Matthew - What of the release builds do you think should be the minimum
>> run freenet?  (from a technical/bugfixing/routing viewpoint)
>> Which Package?

>I don't know. At this point, there are important bugfixes on MAIN that
>have not yet been ported to stable.

Currently STABLE-branch Last Good Build is set at 515 and UNSTABLE-branch is
set at 514....

Bumping to AT LEAST one of the offical releases would help greatly right
now, IMHO. came with build 533..............

>> How about raising the Last Good Build to the build found in that package.
>> Announce it to everyone a week ahead of time, post it on the website, in
>> announce, support, devl, etc.

Tell Cofe so he can announce it on TFE and other freesite operators can do
the same.

>> Let's finally clear up some of the OLD FUCKING KNOWN BUGS!!!  Some of
>> can definately use up valuable HTL as nodes try to route around old buggy
>> nodes.

>Like what? Believe it or not, some of us do actually care about old
>fucking known bugs.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I am talking about the ones you have already fixed!

70%-80% of nodes are running fairly recent builds anyway, and as long as you
give node operators a little time to upgrade first, (1-2 weeks) I am sure
they will be happy to do so.

>> Then, we'll see how routing does or doesn't improve, and we can discuss
>> raising maxHTL from there...
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "fish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 3:02 AM
>> Subject: Re: [freenet-dev] Getting rid of transient and ipaddress
>> >
>> > On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> >
>> > > The network may not be usable enough for it to be any use though (I
>> > > think we should consider raising the maxHTL a bit (35 say?) because
>> > > the network growth - but given the likely large number of pre-0.5.1
>> > > nodes out there, I'm not sure that we can...). I do agree with the
>> > > principle that we should make it easier to deploy freenet nodes.
>> >
>> > honestly, if it improved the retrival probability significantly, I
>> > think anyone would object to a mandatory at this juncture.  Or maybe
>> > people would, but you know, it'd make me happy :-p
>> >
> > - fish

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