On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 08:15:26PM -0500, Gianni Johansson wrote:
> On Saturday 25 January 2003 15:07, you wrote:
> > > 1) This doesn't belong in Fred's JVM. We have enough problems
> > > undertanding/bounding fred's resource consumption as it is.
> >
> > I agree - that is what plugin architectures are for.
> What do you mean?
> When you add a servlet to the mainport configuration setting you are running 
> it in fred's JVM.  
> Where else are people plugging things in?
> >
> > > 2) How do you plan to address QOS?  I have asked this question several
> > > times and each time it is ignored.
> > > If you really want to do streaming you need to have a reasonable QOS
> > > gaurantee.   I don't see how you are going to get this from fred.
> >
> > Increasingly, streaming protocols operate over TCP - what QOS guarantee
> > does TCP offer? 
> At least the lower bounds can be charcterized.  Perhaps you could help do the 
> same for freenet.  See below.
> >  Such streaming protocols address this using buffering,
> > there is no reason why we can't do the same.
> The latencies in Freenet are orders of magnitude larger.
> I would be interested in a principled analysis of what it would take to make 
> this really work.  How much buffering?  What minimum average rate?
> >
> > Again, you have no more evidence.
> Well I have never seen 30k/sec sustained average transfer rate for a recently 
> inserted SplitFiles.
> > that it won't work than I do that it
> > will. 
> > Why not encourage someone to try it so that we can all find out?
> > Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
> I don't think I could stop fish if I wanted to, which I don't.  Pointing out 
> that the Freenet architecture provides no QOS, is not what I would 
> characterize as discouragement.  It's more like technical due diligence.
> > Why not encourage people to do things which have a reason
> >  Personally I am optimistic, with
> > Splitfiles I have been seeing overall download rates of around 30k/sec,
> > which is more than enough for a FM quality ogg stream.
> Which SplitFiles?  What tests have you run?
> That is about 5 to 10 times the speed I see for non-established SplitFiles.
> And higher than the average transfer I see even for most established ones.
> Why don't you organize some tests of SplitFIle retrieval rates?  That way the 
> discussion would be less anecdotal.
> I am hindered in my testing by the lack of publically available "legitimate" 
> -- not porn, not copyright infringing -- SplitFiles.  Having a bunch of small 
> known (1 - 64M) SplitFiles in the network would be really useful.

Maybe the apt-get over freenet project? :) Fish has some old code that
does something like this...

> If you (or anyone else) wants to insert insert some stuff, use 
> freenet.client.cli.Main.  It's the only client I am aware of that supports 
> checksumming.  Don't use fproxy.  It doesn't use the new AutoRequester 
> SplitFile insertion code yet.
> --gj
> >
> > Ian.

Matthew Toseland
Full time freenet hacker.
Freenet Distribution Node (temporary) at http://amphibian.dyndns.org:8889/dbS0eicAn1o/

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