> Personally I am optimistic, with
> Splitfiles I have been seeing overall download rates of around 30k/sec,
> which is more than enough for a FM quality ogg stream.

I just inserted one of the Radio EFF Open Audio  mp3's from the
eff website and then retrieved it from my node, skipping the datastore.
java freenet.client.cli.Main --skipDS --htl 15 --blockHtl 15 \
                                     --threads 10 \
    get CHK@cpEhv1ee6KTMOJoyra9OPEWQSqENAwI,rUXmNm1jXgaUqLRIRwg9pw btest.mp3 

length 7.4M
elapsed time: 37 minutes
end to end transfer rate: 7.4M * (1024K/M)  / (37 min * (60sec/min) ) ~=   

It took one minute to find the SplitFile metadata and somewhat less than 2 
minutes to decode. 

Discounting that ~= 3.7k/sec raw transfer.

How many threads do you use to get 30k/sec?

-- gj

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