On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 07:14:00PM -0600, Mark J Roberts wrote:
> You've got it wrong. The fact that we are doing DNS lookups _at_all_
> is the bug. The fix is to stop doing them, and since Matthew has
> implemented ARKs, we can.
> We should be celebrating. The latency on those is awful.
If we can run without DNS with the current setup, whoopdeedoo (that's
me celebrating).
However, the suggestion in the text I was replying to which you
snipped was:
>>> FNP protocol changes so that the node can
>>> detect its address from the network.
Which is an addition to the FNP protocol just because java is a piece
of sh*t, which is just a bad idea.

Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 21A7 C7F3
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