
On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 12:48, Dave Hooper wrote:
> In case you're wondering why we're talking about this at all: a while ago,
> we didn't mirror the Sun JRE download at freenetproject.org;  now we do
> that, but apparently the reason there isn't a debian distro of freenet is
> because *mirroring Sun's JRE installer is in violation of Sun's licence*. 
> Or at least this is the impression I received from the previous
> discussion.
> So we're now discussing whether we should remove the Sun JRE download from
> freenetproject.org; or whether or not this really is a violation of Sun's
> licence.
> Anyone: Is that *really* the reason there isn't a debian distro of
> freenet?  I thought it was rather because Sun JRE was 'non free' in that
> it wasn't GPL or Berkeley licenced?

Debian does indeed not include any software that cannot be distributed
under the Debian Free Software Guidelines

There are some archives though for non-free programs but they don't
contain a JRE or SDK either since the package would allow people to
install a unbundled (not in combination with any application) JRE, which
the JRE license doesn't allow. The license says that the distributor
will "agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and
against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or
expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any
claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from
the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software.", which
is not something Debian (or Software in the Public interest, the legal
entity that distributes Debian) wants to do. And it says that you "do
not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s)
of the Software", which is unacceptable since Debian distributes Kaffe,
Classpath, Gcj, Fastjar, GJDoc, etc. all free software specifically
designed to replace the proprietary implementations.

For more (and specifically for a list of free software implementations
of java-like environments see the Debian java FAQ:

> > Gcj is a solution to produce executable files...but not for some freenet
> > features....probably.
> Actually, we are kindof working towards a GCJ Freenet, kindof.  Ideally
> we'd like to use a 'free' Java runtime but the alternatives seem to not be
> as stable or fully-featured as Sun's, so we're relying on Sun JRE for now.

We (GNU Classpath and Kaffe hackers) had a very productive developer
meeting at the latest LinuxTag. The topic of java.nio (which is the
major missing thing to get Freenet running on a free java-like
environment) came up a couple of times. There is already a lot of work
done to get this implemented, but of course the last 10%...

Please monitor the gcj, classpath and kaffe mailinglist (the projects do
work closely together) to see what progress we are making. We can
certainly use people to get Freenet working and tested with gcj and/or
kaffe when we have all pieces in place.



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