I'm glad that major routing bug was squashed. Well done! But I think there
is yet one more big thinko somewhere...

It seems that the network is not learning who specializes in what areas of
the keyspace from successful and failed requests. For a number of weeks
now I have been running my node with a specially tuned datastore. I wrote
a script to delete keys from the ds that are not in my randomly chosen
area of specialization thus forcing a strong specialization. If the
network is working properly other nodes will notice that I am unusually
successful in fulfilling requests for a certain part of the keyspace and
will route similar requests to me reinforcing this specialization. This is
not happening. Here is a histogram of my datastore:

Histogram of keys in in fred's data store
These are the keys to the data in your node's local cache (DataStore)
Oct 26, 2003 11:26:16 PM
keys: 64291
scale factor: 0.008623012341558933 (This is used to keep lines < 64

   0 |========================
   1 |=======================
   2 |=======================
   3 |=======================
   4 |========================
   5 |========================
   6 |====================================
   7 |=======================================
   8 |=========================================
   9 |==========================================
   a |===============================================================
   b |===========================================
   c |========================================
   d |========================================
   e |====================================
   f |========================

peaks (count/mean)
0 --> (0.6943429)
2 --> (0.6754289)
4 --> (0.7212207)
a --> (1.8471014)

This node specializes in "a". It used to be even more specialized but I
haven't run my script in couple weeks and because the network isn't
working it is diluting the specialization. But if other nodes are learning
my histogram of requested keys should look similar. Here it is:

Histogram of requested keys.
This count has nothing to do with keys in your datastore
Oct 26, 2003 11:23:13 PM
keys: 98643
scale factor: 0.009727922268211842 (This is used to keep lines < 64

   0 |============================================================
   1 |==========================================================
   2 |==========================================================
   3 |============================================================
   4 |================================================================
   5 |============================================================
   6 |============================================================
   7 |=========================================================
   8 |===========================================================
   9 |===============================================================
   a |===============================================================
   b |=========================================================
   c |============================================================
   d |=========================================================
   e |==========================================================
   f |=========================================================

peaks (count/mean)
0 --> (1.0054845)
4 --> (1.0671208)
a --> (1.0614438)
c --> (1.0106748)
e --> (0.978559)

Absolutely no specialization. The little differences that exist are easily
within statistical noise. My node has been running like this for many
weeks and I'm running 6281 so the network has been given every possible
opportunity to learn and it has not.

I have been thinking about the possibility that the network is just too
chaotic and unstable to ever converge but I have forced convergence on my
node and other nodes still are not learning. To me this says bug.

As we know, specialization is absolutely necessary for freenet to scale
otherwise we are just a broadcast search network. It will also greatly
increase the amount of data freenet can store if everyone specializes in a
specific area and we do not need nearly as much redundancy. Right now with
the totally random routing due to no specialization freenet can only store
as much retrievable data as 25*n where n is the average size of the
datastores on freenet and 25 is the current max htl. No bueno.

Tracy Reed

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