On October 27, 2003 11:22 am, Edgar Friendly wrote:
> Ed Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Note that just because you have your DS with lots of 'A's in it does not
> > mean your node is specialized on 'A'.
> I agree with this completely, and hope more people understand this point.
> > What it should do it influence it to specialize
> > near 'A' (now that routing is 'fixed').
> well, sorta...  really, it shouldn't matter what's in your store.
> > Specialization is not only what is in your DS but, also what keys your
> > node can find quickly.  If you have 5% of all the 'A' keys but you node
> > knows little about routing to other nodes that have 'A' the rest of the
> > network will not see you as specialized.
> >
> > Ed
> This last paragraph is not quite true.  The network doesn't and can't
> know what's in your store or routing table.  It'll just make requests
> of you based on your past performance, and expect you to be efficient
> in replying with data (or quick DNFs).  It's more or less your node's
> responsibility to get good at some kinds of requests based on what the
> rest of the network asks of you, and if you don't get good at a
> certain area of request, the network should tend to ask you for that
> area less.

Nor did I say the other node knows whats in your DS.   I what I implied
was that if your node can answer, from its DS, 5% of the 'A' queries the
rest of the network probably will not see it as specialized in 'A' _unless_
it also knows of good routes for keys with 'A'...   

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