--- Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Tracy R Reed wrote:
> > Yes, I agree. However I am concerned that I am not even seeing signs of
> > recovery 48 hours later. The network cannot take that long to converge if
> > it is converging at all.
> The network will only converge when this becomes the most effective way 
> for it to deliver data - while the network remains small it is better 
> for each node to have broader expertise.
> Think of Freenet as a soap-bubble.  A soap bubble will always adopt 
> whatever shape minimizes its surface area.  In most cases this is a 
> sphere.  Similarly, a large Freenet will try to adopt whatever 
> configuration will minimize retrieval times, and we have seen in pre-NGR 
> that this generally results in pretty obvious specialization.
> Don't get the causal relationship mixed up though.  Soap bubbles are 
> round because this minimizes their surface area, and pre-NGR Freenet 
> specializes because this minimizes search time (according to its 
> primitive measurement), but if Freenet is not specializing, or not 
> specializing in an obvious way, then this doesn't mean its broken, 
> merely that it has found another optimal way to minimize search times. 
> This is to be expected since NGR Freenet has to consider network 
> topology (latency etc) and node performance, where pre-NGR ignored both 
> of these factors.
> If Freenet isn't specializing it is probably because the network is 
> small enough that it doesn't need to specialize yet, or, at least that 
> it doesn't need to specialize in such an obvious manner.  As the network 
> grows it is likely that more obvious specialization will occur.
> Ian.

You are suggesting that specailization makes no sense in small networks and that 
freenet does what
is optimal.  Ian, please think about this.  In a tiny network were every node was 
connected to
every other one, specialization still makes sense.  

Optimally each node would be specialized in a portion of hashspace proportional to its 
Requests/inserts could work in HTL=1.

Sure if you only have 10 nodes everyone will have a broad area about 1/10th of has 
space, but
Tracy would still be able to see something like that in that graph.


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