In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Dave Hooper wrote:
I explained to Sun's lawyers exactly what we were doing and they said
its fine.  Even if there is still some uncertainty over the exact
language they used, our efforts to clarify this issue are more than
enough to take the path of least resistance, if Sun has a problem with
it - they can let us know.
Doesn't the fact that they said that it wasn't, to me, constitute Sun
letting us now?  I'll forward those emails to devl tomorrow to let the rest
of the mailing list decide.

I really hate having debates over bullshit legal distinctions that are meaningless in the real world anyway, particularly when they are being used as an excuse for crippling Freenet usability.

I don't know who you spoke to at Sun, but I was referred to the person I spoke to by Bill Joy, Sun's co-founder and Chief Scientist, and I think there is a very good chance that they outrank whoever you spoke to. In fact, it might be better if you don't forward any emails to the mailing list as it can only muddy the waters. I am going with the opinion I got from the person I spoke to as the coordinator of the Freenet project that was referred to me by the co-founder of Sun, she said:

"We do have a requirement, when distributing the JRE, to bundle it with
your own software, in this case freenet. There is nothing in our
requirements that should prevent you from having a "smart" installer,
that installs the JRE only if the user needs it, so long as the JRE is
never installed without also installing the freenet software."

Our installer does not offer an option to install the JRE without Freenet, which satisfies her concern. Case closed (not that there would ever have been a case in a million years anyway).

If you want to look for excuses to make Windows users lives more difficult then fine, but I would rather look for excuses not to. In the mean time, could you please put the Windows installer back the way it was and leave the legal decisions up to me and those I choose to consult on the matter? This whole thing has wasted far more time, and likely discouraged far more potential Freenet users, than it ever deserved.


I have followed this discussion with interest. It seems to me that if you put the JRE on your server, in a non-listable directory (perhaps even password protected) and avoid publishing the path and file name anywhere else than in the windows installer configuration file, then Sun's rules will be followed almost to the letter, and certainly in spirit: no-one will be able to download the JRE unless they have already downloaded the installer.

Roger Hayter
Devl mailing list

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