This has now been created.  It's not (even trivially) password protect.  As
a test it currently only contains the Sun Java 'Online' installer, which
when executed gets the JRE components from Sun's servers.  This can be
easily changed by uploading a different executable and symlinking as
appropriate.  If I have time today I will mod the winstaller and upload but
I'm pretty seriously busy with Real Life at the moment.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Colin Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of development issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 3:42 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-dev] Windows Installers [yet again]
> If the non-indexable directory was (even trivially) password protected,
> and the installed knew to request http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] it would be
> hard to argue that the Freenet project was intentionally allowing
> people to download software from the site. While people could (of
> course) get the password with a packet sniffer, I can't see that being
> a valid reason to attack the project.
> Weak protection that makes the intent of the Freenet Project clear (No
> single file downloads) would likely be sufficient.
> -Colin

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