On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 01:04:25AM +0000, Toad wrote:
> AFAICS, NGRouting should have *more* obvious specialization than classic
> routing, because of the relatively small amount of information in the
> estimators. Classic routing allowed many tiny specializations -
> NGRouting doesn't understand such things, it's about a big dip in the
> graph, or maybe two big dips in the graph. And we did see obvious
> specialization in the classic routing once upon a time.
Exactly, which just plain isn't happening. I've run a fresh unstable
node for the past week and even though I have pcaching enabled (even
though the store isn't anywhere near 90% full yet), in the 16 buckets
diagram none of the bars have a count/mean outside of the 0.875 to 1.125

(the node is accepting about 20% of incoming requests, so the theory
that requests aren't getting handled by the most favoured node sounds
viable to me)

Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 21A7 C7F3
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