* Julien Cornuwel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-05-12 19:14:06]:

> Hi,
> I'm having interrogations about the use of the WoT plugin and I'm
> confronted to a choice :
> The plugin is able to handle multiple local identites. But do you think
> it could be usefull to allow local identities to set different trust
> levels on other identities.
> Possibilities are :
> 1) One identity publish its trustlist and all local identities share the
> same trust tree.
> 2) Every local identity has to handle its own trust list and has its own
> trust tree. That implies that one identity might see someone while
> another won't.
> In my opinion, 1) would fit most uses of the plugin. Except the one
> where you share your node with a person you totally disagree with (quite
> unlikely, isn't it ?).
> The flaw of 2) is that every identity has to set its own trust values
> for every identities. An option could be to allow the user to set a
> "parent" identity that the new identity would share it's trust list with.
> What do you think ?

Go for the second option

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