On Monday 12 May 2008 20:05, Julien Cornuwel wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> > When you publish a shared trust tree with 2 identities, everyone could
> > easily figure
> > out that this two identities are the same person.
> I wasn't thinking about sharing the same trustlist but : the first
> identity publish its trustlist and others don't. What would be shared
> would be the trust *tree*, ie. what identities are viewed and what are not.

That might work, although it's bad if all secondary identities don't publish 
trust lists and most primaries do...
> > I think option 2 together should be implemented, added with the 
possibility to
> > take over (selected) trust states from other local identities.
> Well, that's possible and it's not really complex to implement. But that
> will be more complex to use for the clients. Having an identity that
> sees someone posts while another don't can be quite disapointing.

That could be a pain yes. It's another reason for a user to have a completely 
separate UI for his or her second identity... and preferably a second 
personality too! :)

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