On August 1, 2008, Michael Rogers wrote:
> Daniel Cheng wrote:
> > in a circular space, we can get infinite number of "average" by changing
> > point of reference. --- choose the point of reference with the smallest
> > standard deviation.
> From an infinite number of alternatives? Sounds like it might take a
> while. ;-) I think we can get away with just trying each location as the
> reference point, but that's still O(n^2) running time.
> How about this: the average of two locations is the location midway
> along the shortest line between them. So to estimate the average of a
> set of locations, choose two locations at random from the set and
> replace them with their average, and repeat until there's only one
> location in the set.
> It's alchemy but at least it runs in linear time. :-)

Another idea that should run in linear time.  Consider each key a point on the 
of a circle (with a radius of 1).  Convert each key (0=0 degress, 1=360) to an 
x, y cord and 
average these numbers.  Once all keys are averaged convert the (x, y) back into 
a key to 
get the average.

eg      x = sin (key * 360), y = cos(key * 360)  assuming the angle is in 
degrees not radians.
        where a key is a number between 0 and 1


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