On Saturday 11 April 2009 15:39:54 Daniel Cheng wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just checked, GitHub allow "non-fast forward" update, and there
> is no option to disable it. This means anybody have write access to it
> might overwrite the whole repository, keeping no history behind. (for
> those who are curious, google the 'git push --force').

Would that be propagated when devs update their local trees via pull?
> So we have three options:
>    1) Just live with it, we trust our developers, we have backups,
> yada yada.  (i hate this option)

Agreed, it sucks.
>    2) Adapt the git workflow: every developer have his own branch,
> only toad have access to the main repository, he will pull
> periodically (or on request)

Might be the best option.
>    3) Choose another git host.  (Anybody know which hosting allow
> disabling non-fast-forward push?)

Ian has emailed github...
> Regards,
> Daniel Cheng

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