Thomas Bruderer skrev:
> Here is the German Translation.
> What is the Schedule for 0.7.5?
> The translation is done in polite Form - "Sie" and the orthography is 
> swiss (.i.e ss instead of ß)
> Greetings,
> Apophis

Thanks a lot!

A few points:

1) It seems like you forgot the last 2 sections? ("; Service starter" 
and "; Service stopper")

2) The following translated lines are combined a bit too long according 
to the space allocated for the text (I've put "[*]" where it hits max.. 
I've also added a few spaces you missed after "mindestens" and "als"):

Trans_Add("Freenet requires at least ", "Freenet braucht mindestens ")
Trans_Add(" MB free disk space, but will not install with less than ", " 
MB freier Festplattenspeicher, aber wird nicht installiert mit weniger 
als ")
Trans_Add(" MB free. The amount of space reserved can be changed after 
installation.", " MB Festplattenspeicher. (Der Speicher der reserviert 
wird kann nach der[*] Installation geändert werden).")

Can you shorten it down a couple of words? (e.g. ~30 chars)

3) Likewise, this translation is a bit too long:

Trans_Add("Freenet Installer has detected that you already have Freenet 
installed. Your current installation was installed using an older, 
unsupported installer. To continue, you must first uninstall your 
current version of Freenet using the previously created uninstaller:", 
"Der Freenetinstaller hat entdeckt, dass bereits eine Version von 
Freenet installiert ist. Ihre aktuelle Freenetinstallation wurde mit 
einem älteren, nicht mehr unterstützten, Installer gemacht. Um 
forzufahren müssen sie zunächst Ihre aktuelle Freenetinstallation mit 
dem früher[*] erstellten Uninstaller deinstallieren:")

I've committed the translation without the strings mentioned (the 
installer will fallback to English for those). Feel free to simply send 
the corrections to me and I'll submit those as well :).

- Zero3
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