1) It seems like you forgot the last 2 sections? ("; Service starter" and "; Service stopper")
Should have taken danish or italian version as a base, the french translation is incomplete, and I took it as my base. Will add it tomorrow.

Oui, le version français n'est pas fini!
2) The following translated lines are combined a bit too long according to the space allocated for the text (I've put "[*]" where it hits max.. I've also added a few spaces you missed after "mindestens" and "als"):
The Problem with spaces and punctuation is, its not consistent, sometimes it starts with a space, sometimes it ends without a question mark even though its a question.

for 2/3. I'll shorten them accordingly, should be simple, It will probably be enough to simplify the composite nouns.
I've committed the translation without the strings mentioned (the installer will fallback to English for those). Feel free to simply send the corrections to me and I'll submit those as well :).
Will send the Update directly to you tomorrow.

Greetings, Apophis

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